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Things to do

art museums food & wine shopping architecture & history discovery museums opera ballet theater cycling modern music
*Wander the piazzas and narrow streets of Florence's Centro Storico (historical centre)
*Seek out the art of Michelangelo, Botticelli and da Vinci at the Uffizi Gallery
*Admire the city's Renaissance cathedral, churches and palaces
*Sample hearty Tuscan fare, Michelin-starred cuisine and fine wine at the city's many restaurants

Attractions and sights

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  • Florence Cathedral (Il Duomo)

    Florence Cathedral (Il Duomo)
    The splendid Gothic Basilica de Santa Maria del Fiore built between 1296 and 1436, dominates the centre of Florence. Its dome - the largest brick dome ever constructed - was designed and built by goldsmith Filippo Brunelleschi; take the stairs to see it close up. For an excellent view of the cathedral, scramble up 414 steps of Giotto's Campanile (bell tower).
    Florence Cathedral (Il Duomo)
  • Uffizi Gallery

    Uffizi Gallery
    The 16th century Uffizi Gallery has the largest and most important collection of Renaissance art in the world. Standout works include Botticelli's "Primavera","The Adoration of the Magi" by Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo's "Doni Tondo". (Have a virtual tour via Google Art Project.) Buy tickets in advance and come at lunchtime to avoid tour group crowds.
    Uffizi Gallery
  • Piazza della Signoria

    Piazza della Signoria
    Florence's most famous square and its political centre since the middle ages, the Piazza della Signoria is an open-air sculpture museum. It is overlooked by the medieval Palazzo Vecchio you can visit its sumptuous public rooms and private apartments.
    Piazza della Signoria
  • Galleria dell'Academia

    Galleria dell'Academia
    The Galleria del'Academia has large collection of Renaissance paintings, but for most visitors the main attraction is Michelangelo's "David" Other Michelangelo works are on show here, including the Slaves - his unfinished sculptures, and the Pietà Palestrina, often attributed to him. There's also an interesting collection of musical instruments, started by the Medici family.
    Galleria dell'Academia
  • Ponte Vecchio

    Ponte Vecchio
    Spanning the narrowest point of the Arno river, Ponte Vecchio built in 1345, is Florence's only surviving medieval bridge, the rest destroyed during WWII. It's one of few of Italy's bridges that still has shops along it; the butchers' shops have now been replaced with jewelers, art dealers and souvenir sellers. Best admired from Ponte Santa Trinita, downstream.
    Ponte Vecchio
  • Eating out

    Eating out
    Between the typical family-run Tuscan trattorias, such as Del Fagioli, that specialise in simple, hearty pasta dishes, to Michelin-starred temples of gourmet dining such as the Enoteca Pinchiorri that dish up the elaborate fusion dishes, you won't go hungry. The city's special are Florentine steaks - enormous slabs of grilled meat.
    Eating out
  • Florence Cathedral

    Florence Cathedral
    The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore is the main church of Florence, Italy. Il Duomo di Firenze, as it is ordinarily called, was begun in 1296 in the Gothic style to the design of Arnolfo di Cambio ...
    Florence Cathedral
  • Palazzo Vecchio

    Palazzo Vecchio
    The Palazzo Vecchio is the town hall of Florence, Italy. This massive, Romanesque, crenellated fortress-palace is among the most impressive town halls of Tuscany.
    Palazzo Vecchio
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    More attractions and sights

    *Try one of 120 wines at Vivanda Florence's first enoteca devoted to organic wines, or sip a Chianti or a cocktail at the lively Piazza di Santo Spirito, lined with bars and cafes.
    *Listen to free nightly jazz at the Piazza della SS Anunziata between June and September or catch it during the Sant'Ambrogio Summer Festival in late June at the Piazza Ghiberti and Piazza dei Ciompi.
    *Shop for discount designer clothes at The Mall or buy unique items such as jewellery by Alessandro Dari
    *Visit the Basilica Santa Croce to see its exceptional stained glass windows, frescoes and the tombs of Dante and Michelangelo.
    *Stay in luxurious surroundings at the boutique Palazzo Vecchietti Hotel or Palazzo Niccolini al Duomo with the fine frescoes and unimpeded view of the Duomo, or at the Four Seasons with its Renaissance interiors.
    *The immense 15th century Palazzo Pitti was once the seat of the Medici family. It's surrounded by the Giardino di Boboli - a large, landscaped park with fountains.
    * Bargello is particularly famous for its wealth of sculpture; the museum houses masterpieces by Michelangelo, Donatello, Giambologna and Cellini, among others.

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    When to go

    Temp. (F) 50 53 59 66 76 84 89 89 79 70 59 51
    Best time to go:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    Best time to go:

    Florence is at its most pleasant March-May and September-October; in summer you're guaranteed sunny weather, but it is also the hottest and most touristy time of year.

    Where to stay

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