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Things to do

waterfalls adventure rainforest flora outdoors mountains wild animals hiking caves lakes climbing
* Taking a canoe and hiking to Angel Falls
* Birding and animal-watching in Canaima National Park
* Trekking to the Auyantepuy plateau in Canaima National Park
* Visiting Anatoly Island and Salto Sapo waterfalls
* Staying in Canaima, Uruyen and Kavac villages

Attractions and sights

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  • Angel Falls

    Angel Falls
    Angel Falls is the world's highest waterfall, plummeting down 978m with an uninterrupted drop of 807m from the Auyan-Tepui plateau. The falls are deep inside the Canaima National Park and can only be reached by 5 hours' upsteam ride in a dugout canoe from Canaima village, followed by several hours' hiking through the jungle to the main viewpoint below the falls.
    Angel Falls
  • Auyantepuy plateau

    Auyantepuy plateau
    The plateau, from which Angel Falls plummet, is believed to be the inspiration behind Conan Doyle's "The Lost World". It's possible to hike to the top of it. The trek takes 8-12 days and can be arranged with Lost World Adventures and New Frontiers Adventures It's a tough 3-day ascent from the indigenous villages of either Uruyen or Kavak, a couple of days' exploring the plateau and stays in rustic camps along the way.
    Auyantepuy plateau
  • Canaima National Park wildlife

    Canaima National Park wildlife
    The jungle around Angel Falls teems with wildlife. You're likely to see several species of monkey and poison arrow frogs. If you're lucky, you may also spot the shyer denizens of the forest: porcupines, giant anteaters, armadillos, three-toed sloths, tapirs, capybaras, and the elusive jaguar.
    Canaima National Park wildlife
  • Birding in Canaima National Park

    Birding in Canaima National Park
    Canaima National Park is a prime destination for birdwatchers. Out of its numerous bird species, 42, such as the Roraiman Nightjar, are endemic. Feathered highlights are the Cock of the Rock, Paradise Tanager, Blue-Cheeked Parrot, and a number of macaws, as well as the rare Harpy Eagle. Reputable birding tour operators include Birdquest Tours and Ascanio
    Birding in Canaima National Park
  • Anatoly Island

    Anatoly Island
    When staying in Canaima village en route to/from Angel Falls, you can do a side trip to nearby Isla Anatoly - the largest island in the Carrao river - that features a smaller set of falls, Salto El Sapo. It's possible to walk behind the curtain of water at the falls.
    Anatoly Island
  • Pemón indigenous villages

    Pemón indigenous villages
    Canaima National Park is home to the indigenous Pemón people. The Pemón live in churuatas (indigenous dwellings with thatched roofs) and run both Uruyén Lodge and Kavak Lodge that consist of traditional huts - that travelers stay in en route to Angel Falls and Auyantepuy.
    Pemón indigenous villages
  • Cave of the Ghost

    Cave of the Ghost
    Also known as ‘La Cueva del Fantasma,’ in Canaima National Park, it is the world's widest cave. It is large enough to fly in in a helicopter. However, experts believed that this is not actually a cave but a collapsed steep gorge.
    Cave of the Ghost
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    When to go

    Temp. (F) 88 90 93 93 91 89 89 89 90 91 90 88
    Best time to go:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    Best time to go:

    Wet season is from June to November, when the falls are at their most spectacular, but bad weather can ground flights to/from Canaima and affect visibility. Dry season is December to May, when the falls have lighter flow and river travel can be difficult due to low water levels. Tha tail ends of both seasons are probably the best bet.

    Warning: Risk of tropical diseases -- vaccination required. It's also very remote, away from civilization - hard to reach and get out in emergency.

    Where to stay

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    How to get there

    The only access is by air -- to small Canaima airport, then in a wooden canoe by the river. Regional flights from Ciudad Bolívar or Caracas.


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