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Things to do

kayaking woods lakes cross-country skiing outdoors adventure hiking camping fishing flora snowmobiling fall foliage bird watching wild animals marshlands horseback riding all-terrain vehicle architecture & history

Attractions and sights

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  • Rafting

    Karelia has got thousands of rivers on its territory. This fact gives a lot of opportunities for rafting tours in Karelia. The peculiarity of the rapids on Karelian rivers is that they go in combination with placid water and lakes.
  • Ladoga Lake

    Ladoga Lake
    Boat Trips along the Ladoga Lake are very pleasant. The Northern part of Lake Ladoga is famous for its countless islands scattered along blue waters and picturesque bays where the stormy Ladoga is usually calm. The banks are high and rocky there, the forests hide rare species of plants and animals, and the air is free from the city smog.
    Ladoga Lake
  • Kivach Waterfall

    Kivach Waterfall
    The Kivach Waterfall is the second largest waterfall in Europe. The height of the waterfall is 10.7 meters. It is situated on the Suna river in Karelia. A beautiful forest path goes to it.
    Kivach Waterfall
  • Kizhi

    The largest in Russia architectural ensemble of wooden architecture - famous Kizhi pogost - is an outstanding work of Russian craftsmen. Nowadays Kizhi is not only an open-air museum of national architecture. All the traditions, national handicrafts, customs and games are regenerated here.
  • Solovetsky Monastery

    Solovetsky Monastery
    Solovetsky Monastery is situated in the western part of the White Sea , and consists of 6 big and many small islands. Its ensemble includes unique archeological complexes of pre-Christian period - magnificent Kremlin, stone cathedrals, a network of hand-made channels between the lakes and an ancient botanical garden.
    Solovetsky Monastery
  • Valaam

    Valaam archipelago is located in the northern part of the Ladoga Lake. It is best known as the site of the 14th century Valaam Monastery and for its natural beauty.Here mighty pines and fur-trees grow directly on rocks, which are on tens of meters elevated above water, so that the shores sometimes look as an unassailable fortress.
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    When to go

    Temp. (F) 20 21 31 44 56 65 71 65 55 43 31 24
    Best time to go:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    Where to stay

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    How to get there

    By plane to a relatively small Petrozavodsk airport, or
    270 mi / 5 hr by train from St. Petersburg.
    The automobile road network is underdeveloped, to say the least.
    Kizhi is best accessible by hydrofoils, 1 hr from Petrozavodsk (from June to August)


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